
All new patients need to download and complete the Intake Packet

All new patients need to download and complete the Intake Packet Below (Forms must be completed in Adobe):

Please email to

If you are turning in paperwork for couples therapy, each partner will need to complete their own individual and couples intake forms, for a total of four forms.

For minors under the age of 16, please call into our office to schedule an intake interview with our Care Coordinator or one of our interns. We cannot accept intake forms for minors under 16 without an intake interview.

Intake for Adults
Intake for Couples
Intake for Minors 16-17
Please note that all intake packets must be complete in order to be processed. If there are sections you are unsure of please call for assistance. Missing information will delay the process. Forms must be completed in Adobe.
Please call to check your benefits prior to scheduling your first counseling appointment:
We bill all major medical insurance on your behalf. Here are a few that we accept. Please remember that accept is not the same as contracted.
Blue Shield
Blue Cross
Carelon Behavioral Health
MHN/ Health Net
All One Health

We are out of network with Blue Cross. Blue Cross Covered CA and most EPO plans have no out-of-network coverage.
Partnership Health Plan (Carelon Behavioral Health) – We cannot accept straight Medi-Cal.

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